.NET Training

.NET Framework is a new and revolutionary platform created by Microsoft for developing applications. Microsoft release of the .NET Framework runs on the Windows operating system, it is fast becoming possible to find alternative versions that will work on others. Net Framework has no restriction on type of applications, allows the creation of Windows applications, Web applications, Web services, and pretty much anything else you can think of. The .NET Framework has been designed so that it can be used from any language.
All of this provides a level of versatility and is part of what makes using the .NET Framework such an attractive prospect.
Advantage of the COURSE:-
Corecode offers an environment of Microsoft .Net Technology where realization of career ambitions is as much of a goal as all around personality development and learning to have fun.
Corecode provides you with a perspective on both the Indian and overseas markets and prepare you to participate in the emerging international e-conomy.
Corecode are a company that’s sensitive to your professional and personal needs, with people-- and employee-friendly policies that make for an inspiring work culture
Corecode lively and “young at heart” outlook has ensured that we remain on the career radar of Generation Next-the powerhouse for growth
.Net Course Syllabus:-
Core TOPIC:-
.Net Framework
Setup & Deployment
Web services
Crystal report
SqlServer 2000